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Managing a pod
Can I change the Captain of a pod?
Can I change the Captain of a pod?

When setting up a pod, you'll be automatically made Captain. Reassign it easily to another team member any time.

Written by Andrew Jordon
Updated over a week ago

Did you setup a pod and want to reassign Captain status?

It's easy to change over ownership of the pod. Let's explore how.

How to change a pod Captain?

To change the Captain of a pod, you will need to be the current Captain. If that's your role in the pod, simple enter the pod and navigate to the Pod members list.

Hover over the name of your team member to show the "Make Captain" option as show below. Click on "Make Captain" then "Ok" on the window to confirm.

This action will reassign the captain. Now that team member can delete past meetings and reassign the captain status.

Do I need to change Captain status?

Team members who are added as pod participants are able to edit the meeting minutes, agendas and run meeting without the Captain.

The only things that a Captain has ownership of are deleting past meetings or formal handing over of the Captain status to someone else.

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