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Are pods visible to all team members?
Are pods visible to all team members?

Make all pods visible to all team members to ensure transparency across your business' pods and team.

Written by Andrew Jordon
Updated over a week ago

New pods created in Connect4 are now by default visible to all team members. We're here to answer key questions of:

  1. How do I view all pods?

  2. Why can't I see all my team members' pods?

  3. How to make pods visible?

Let's dig in!

How do I view all pods?

To see all the pods across your organisation, simply navigate from your My pod view to Team member pods on the left hand panel. See below to find these views:

My pod view

Team member pods view

As a team member, you will be able to click into any of the pods shown in the Team member pods to view basic information without being a pod participant. This basic information includes: Pod name, Pod description and Pod participants. The other information will not be available as shown below.
​Note: If you are the account owner of the organisation you will be able to see the contents of the pod as well.

Pod view for non pod member

To get a full view, you'll be directed in the pod to the right person to ask to be invited to the pod.

Good news - you do not need to be a participant of this meeting to join the conversation. Just hit Connect to join as a video only participant.

Once added to the pod, the pod will be shown in your My pods view.

Why can't I see all my team members' pods?

Your team members' pods may be private. This could have been done at the creation of the pod or before this functionality was available.

When creating new pods going forward, the setting of "Visible to all team members" will be automatically toggled on making it easy to find other team members' pods.

Existing pods will need the pod settings changed if created before this functionality

How to make pods visible?

Let's explore how to make your pods Visible to all team members so your team can use this tool for transparency in your client pods.

New pod

When creating a new pod, the setting of "Visible to all team members" will be automatically toggled on. Keep the toggle on to ensure that the pod will be visible in Team members pod view

Note: If you want to keep a pod entirely private potentially for a team member appraisal or a private meeting- just toggle off.

Existing pod

Do you have existing pods that you're not sure are visible to your team? It's easy to check!

Go to a pod you are a member of. If in My pods view, you'll be able to see "Edit pod" in tile view as shown here. (note - you can also enter the pod & use Edit pod there.) Click Edit pod.

Here look for the toggle for "Visible to all team members" to see if it's visible:

  • Blue = visible

  • Grey = not visible

Keep the toggle blue to ensure all your team members are able to see the pod in the Team member pods view.

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