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What is a personal pod?
What is a personal pod?

Use a personal pod as the place or destination for quick or discovery conversations with clients, prospects or team.

Written by Andrew Jordon
Updated over a week ago

Connect4 is a client meeting platform. There are formal client meetings that happen at a regular cadence using your normal Connect4 pods. And, there are quick conversations with clients, informal team discussions, or discovery meetings that need quick accessibility for a prospective client or team member.

My personal pods meet the needs of the latter.

From prospective client online meetings to a quick conversation with a team member, use your Personal pod as the place or destination ("pod") to talk online.

Let's explore how to use this feature.

Step 1. Log into Connect4. Find My personal pod.

After logging into your Connect4 account, you'll find the first pod that shows in your My pods view is My personal pod.

August 1, 2022 3:48:51 pm - Screenshot

Step 2. Copy link. Share to participant.

Quickly use Copy link in either the My pods view or inside the pod. Share this link in a meeting invitation or another communication tool such as Slack or Whatsapp.

Using Calendly or another scheduling tool?

In addition, this link can be used as your video meeting link in any scheduling tool such as Calendly or Hubspot. Making scheduling a breeze!

My pod view.

Inside personal pod.

Step 3. Connect. Meet.

Once ready for the meeting, enter the My personal pod directly in Connect4 or using the link in a calendar invitation to start. Use the Connect button to enter the pod while checking your audio & video first then kick off the meeting.

During the meeting, an unregistered meeting participants will be able to connect using the video meeting function, however will have the agenda blurred out and they will not have access to it. When meeting participant is a logged in registered user, they will see the agenda.
As the owner of your My personal pod, in the meeting you will have the functionality to:

  • Move agenda clock

  • Assign your own actions

  • Take private notes for yourself.

My personal pod owner view.

Need an agenda? You can set up your own set agenda for all meetings. See below agenda section for more information.

To end the meeting, click Leave meeting.

Features of My personal pod.

My personal pod shares similar features to normal Connect4 pods used for recurring formal client meetings that happen at a regular cadence. All to keep your My personal pod meetings productive for your meeting participant and yourself.

Let's explore the 3 key features:

  1. Meeting agenda

    Use the same power as a client meeting agenda. In your My personal pod, click on Edit agenda to access the editing area.

    You can setup a standard agenda here that will stay for all future meetings or adjust for each meeting as they happen. Also, you can use the Personal templates or Expert templates here too.

  2. Actions

    Set actions for yourself using the Actions tab. This is not visible to the meeting participants. These actions will be shown in the My personal pods area or in your My actions view along with the actions you've been assigned in other pods.

  3. Private Notes

    Take private notes for future reference in Private. These notes can used to copy into other areas, such as a normal pod created after a prospect converts to a client.

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