Email agenda

Share your agenda before you meet using Connect4.

Written by Andrew Jordon
Updated over a week ago

Before meeting with someone, it's best practice to let them know what the meeting is about to prepare in advance. The Connect4 email agenda feature helps with just that!

Share a quick email to all participants to make the most of your valuable meeting time. Let's explore how.

Step 1. Schedule meeting. Set agenda.

Navigate to the meeting pod you'd like to meet in and to use the "Schedule a meeting" option for the pod. After choosing the date & time for the meeting, add to your calendar and share with all those participants joining. Here's a full explanation to schedule a meeting if this is your first meeting.

Once the meeting is schedule, you'll be able to set the agenda using the Connect4 agenda tool. We have a full article on how to do this for those starting from scratch.

Step 2. Email agenda.

After setting your agenda, you'll be able to see the option in the upcoming meeting agenda tab to "Email agenda" as shown below.

Click on "Email Agenda." Here you'll have the choice to "Include personal message" in your email. Once you're ready, click "Send agenda" to complete action.

Upon clicking "Send agenda" all pod participants will receive an email similar to the below:

Step 3. Start meeting.

Use the email above to "Enter Pod" or navigate to the pod in your Connect4 account. When ready for the meeting, click "Connect" to get the meeting started with the pod participants.

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