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What to tell clients about using Connect4
What to tell clients about using Connect4

Communication with clients on how to use systems is key. Here's email text & a PDF to share with your clients about using Connect4 with you.

Written by Andrew Jordon
Updated over a week ago

We're here to help you communicate with your clients on how best to use Connect4 together.

Below is a template email text to use or customise internally when introducing your Connect4 platform to your clients. Also, we've included an alternative "How Do You Get Up & Running" in the event you'd like to send a personalised email in advance of your clients being invited into pods (i.e. before the [email protected] pod invite is sent.)

Also, we've put together this PDF to add an attachment to your email introduction.


Email Template

Hi {Client Name},

{Introduction statement}

What is Connect4? We've chosen Connect4 as our client meeting software platform. All meetings held with our team will be conducted in your dedicated pod on Connect4.

In your pod, you will be able to view our upcoming meeting agenda and suggest talking points. For video meetings, you’ll be able to connect via video with our team and we’ll use the agenda to take meeting minutes and set actions. After meetings, you can use the pod to access resources, complete actions & review notes from past meetings. This will be our key location to work collaboratively together.

How do you get up & running? We've made it quick & easy for you by emailing access to your dedicated pod.

1. Check your inbox to find our team's invitation from [email protected].

2. Click on Login to Connect4 here link to get setup so you're ready for our upcoming meeting:

3. First time on Connect4? Create your account with the email address you received our invitation.

Ready, Set, Connect! Navigate to the meeting calendar invitation to always find the link to your dedicated pod. Note: Use the email address you received our invitation on. If you forget your password, simply click Forgotten password? to reset.

Why Connect4? We'd been looking for platform designed for productive client meetings that make your experience with our team seamless. Whether we meet in-person or on video, Connect4 allows us to conduct our meeting seamlessly with purposeful meeting tools and manage our pre and post meeting work. Your dedicated pod will have an agenda and key resources for your preparation before we meet. And, after every meeting, our meeting notes and next step action items will be in your dedicated pod for referencing between meetings. Learn more here.

Alternative: "How do you get up & running?"

How do you get up & running? We've made it quick & easy for you by emailing access to your dedicated pod. Check your inbox to find our team's invitation email. Before we meet, make sure to follow the link and create an account using the email address you've received the invitation.

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