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Managing a pod
How do I add members to a pod?
How do I add members to a pod?

A pod is a place or destination better shared with others. Learn how to add attendees here.

Written by Andrew Jordon
Updated over a week ago

Pods are more fun (and often productive) with others - add attendees to your pod to have them join in the enjoyment of building and progressing forward together. Members can be your team members or external participants.

Who can be an Attendee?

Great question! Let's kick off by going over three user types in an Organisation:

  • There is one Account Owner who manages the billing and has the ability to delete users associated with the Organisation. Normally the business owner or team manager.

  • The other members of the Organisation are Team Members. They are invited to join an Organisation by the Account Owner or another Team Member with permission to add manage Team Members.

  • External organisation meeting participants are Members. These members are only invited into Pods as meeting participants using the email address they were invited on.

We recommend inviting your own team as Team Members to your account and those external - clients, customers, partners, prospects, mentees - meeting participants as attendees directly in their specific Pod.

External organisation meeting participants are Members. These Members are only invited into Pods as meeting participants using the email address they were invited on.

Adding participants when starting up a pod?

As you are start up a pod, you can add participants as pod members in step 2 of the set up process. Simply add their email address one at a time then click "Save Pod" to send invitation to those participants to access the pod at any time.

How do I know if my attendees are registered?

When you enter the pod, you'll be able to see the list of pod members on the main screen. Those registered will show their full details.

Those not registered will show Not yet registered under their email address.

Can I edit my pod members after setting up a pod?

Yes, at any time go to the pod & click Edit Pod to add new or remove members. The second step of the edit pod process will show where to enter or delete members. Click Save Pod when finished. New members will receive an email inviting them to the pod.

Help, I've start meeting & need to add a member!?

No problem, you can leave the meeting and keep it going for the other participants. Go to Edit Pod, add or edit the attendee and click Save Pod then re-enter the meeting. All participants will get a notice to refresh their browser window and the new attendee will get an email inviting them to the pod. If they have not yet registered, they will need to quickly register before joining the pod.

Do all attendees have to attend a meeting?

Great question! No, they do not. They will be able to access any of the pod before or after. Also, you'll be able to assign them actions even if they haven't attended. They just need to be a pod member.

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