Starting a new pod

Ready to create a place or destination (aka Pod) for a group of participants to meet over time & build relationships? Let's explore how!

Written by Andrew Jordon
Updated over a week ago

Connect4 allows for clients, teams and others to meet in a place or destination (aka Pod) together continuously over time to reference at any time. It's simple to start a new pod - let's explore how here.

Note: To Create a new Pod you must belong to an organisation. Explore how to here.

Step 1. +Add new pod

Navigate to your My pods dashboard. In top left under My pods, select ' + Add new pod'.

Step 2: Create a new pod.

Give the Pod a name and a purpose. The list is endless and will depend on the business you are in and requirements you have.

In addition, you can:

  • Add to a cluster - this helps find the pod quickly on your dashboard. Learn more here.

  • Hide software services - check this box if you do not want this to show in the pod's resources.

  • Visible to all team members - this allows your team members to see your pod listed in Team member pods for transparency across your organisation. Toggle this if you require this pod to be private from your team's view.

Once done, click "Create my pod"

Step 3: Add your participant. Invite.

Add participants by using either:

  1. Select team member

  2. Add clients and other guests

This can included up to 12 participants including you (note: by creating the pod, you will be the Captain by default).

Select team member: use the drop down to find your team member to add and click the + to add each. If you'd like to remove, simply click the - next to the name. (Note: Missing a teammate? Team member functionality unlocks shared management of pods. To do this, you'll need to add them as team members. Learn how in the article on how to add a team member.)

Add clients and other guests: enter the email address for those participants outside of your organisation.

Click "Invite pod members" to send an invitation to join your pod.

Not ready to add participants? No worries, just hit the "X" to go to the pod for additional setup. Also, you could hit "Skip this" to schedule first meeting.

Step 4: Schedule first meeting

Enter the meeting details. Click "Schedule meeting" then hit "Add to calendar"

Connect4 will ask what calendar type you're using. Select your choice to have the data in Connect4 sync with your calendar to create an invite for your first Connect4 meeting. This sync will bring the meeting participants, pod meeting link and date/time into the calendar invitation for you.

Congrats! You've now created your first Pod :celebrate:

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